May Adventures

As the school year begins to wrap up, we are reflecting on some of our adventures beyond the classroom. We were fortunate enough to participate in various academic and cultural excursions that line up nicely with our rich curriculum. Continue reading to learn more about what we’ve been up to.

Our Grades 11 and 12 French classes attended a performance of Laurent Gaude’s Écoutez nos défaites, produced by Theatre Français at the Berkeley Street Theater. Students lauded the play for its intense and thought-provoking exploration of history and humanity. Plus, they had the chance to see that they can indeed understand and communicate in a francophone setting!

For the second year in a row, a group of Abelard students competed in the 51st annual Ontario Student Classics Conference (OSCC). The weekend-long competition features various Classically-themed  academic, athletic, and creative events, from Ancient Greek sight translation to a javelin competition. This year, our team surpassed last year’s standard, with Abelardians winning a total of 10 awards in academic, athletic, and creative events. We placed third per capita in academic events, and the students returned with trophies and ribbons in hand and smiles on their faces.


More locally, our high schoolers not only got the chance to see the Canadian Opera Company’s spectacular production of Otello, but they had the privilege of attending an exclusive pre-show workshop and behind-the-stage tour. Not only was this workshop tremendously fun, but it also helped us better understand and appreciate opera.


May is also a special month at the Abelard School because it is when the high school Drama class performs their long-anticipated annual play, this year, Molière’s Les fouberies de Scapin. The cast  masterfully translated Molière’s humour onto the stage, leaving the audience in stitches throughout the production. Many thanks to the Drama class and our beloved Drama teacher, Cassandra Silver, for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Bravissimo!

For the final weekend of May, Mr. Young’s American History class spent three days in Washington, D.C. immersing themselves in the history, culture, politics, and art of the United States. We visited countless famous landmarks, monuments, and museums, and we even went on a walking tour all about Abraham Lincoln’s assassination! From Arlington Cemetary to the National Gallery  to Ford’s Theater, students were able to study first-hand how the United States understands its history and identity. We were sad to bid farewell to this exciting excursion. Our thanks to Mr. Young for all his hard work in organizing this trip.


Within the walls of the school, the excitement continues. As the end of term approaches, the courses are dealing with more advanced material which integrates what students have been learning throughout the year. For many classes, students are working on their culminating projects, advanced research projects that provide them with the opportunity to explore an interesting topic in-depth and to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired since September. Good luck with the end of term, students – we know you will amaze us as always!

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